
In this chapter, we introduced remote control and the MQTT protocol. It is a commonly used protocol in remote control and connection of IoT devices to the cloud. It is now adopted by many mainstream cloud platforms, such as Amazon Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, Baidu Cloud, Tencent Cloud, and ESP RainMaker introduced in this chapter. This simple and lightweight protocol provides reliable network services for IoT devices in low-bandwidth and unstable network environments.

Besides, we also covered how to build an MQTT broker locally to simulate the cloud platform, and how to generate server and client certificates for the TLS protocol handshake to ensure data security.

In the practice in this chapter, we took the development of a smart light product as an example to complete the remote control of devices using the ESP RainMaker platform over MQTT. Self Claiming is used to obtain certificates. Multiple sets of MQTT topics are used for device control, user-node mapping, and device status. The built-in basic services can perform the scheduling operation and OTA upgrade. With the completed cloud connection function of ESP RainMaker, smart lights can quickly be given voice control capabilities.

ESP RainMaker's capabilities are not limited to this. Data collection and analysis, device-to-device linkage, and third-party scene triggers are all interesting functions yet not mentioned in this chapter. With these cloud functions, we can roughly calculate power consumption by counting the online/offline time and frequency of smart lights and found out how they work together with other hardware. These functions can be achieved using the open RESTful API. Chapter 10 will introduce the use of the RESTful API and use them to develop a smartphone app.