🧐 Practice: Local Control in Smart Light Project
The local control component (esp_local_ctrl
) of ESP-IDF enables you to
control Espressif chips via Wi-Fi+HTTPS or Bluetooth LE easily. With
this component, you can access application-defined properties, which can
be read from or written to through a set of configurable handlers. This
section mainly introduces the local control module based on Wi-Fi.
Taking the smart light as an example, the local control module can be
configured as follows:
- Configure the local device to discover mDNS protocol.
- Configure the local HTTPS server and certificate for data communication.
- Configure the smart lights.
The previous sections have introduced the control of ESP32-C3 via Bluetooth LE. When using Bluetooth LE, the TCP/IP protocol stack is not involved, and local device discovery is not necessary. Bluetooth has its own resource discovery service.