Getting Device Status

By clicking on a specific device in the device list, users can navigate to its control interface, which displays different information according to device types.

This section takes the control interface of light bulbs as an example, which contains the bulb's name, power on/off status, brightness, hue, and saturation. This information was obtained eariler when getting the list of bound devices in Section 10.6.2. The control interface for light bulbs is shown in Figure 10.29.

Figure 10.29. Bulb control interface

Given that one device might be controlled by different users, we should keep the device information in the smartphone app up to date by regularly refreshing and getting device status.

The API to get the status of a device is shown in Figure 10.30 and can be found at

Figure 10.30. API to get device status
GET /v1/user/nodes/params?node_id=string
Authorization: $accesstoken

In response to the "get status" request, the server returns:

    "Light": {
        "brightness": 0,
        "output": true
    "Switch": {
        "output": true

Among the returned fields, Light represents the brightness of the device, and brightness is the specific value; Switch represents the on/off status of the device.

Getting the device's status in Android

📝 Source code

For the source code of getting device status in Android, please refer to book-esp32c3-iot-projects/phone_app/app_android/app/src/main/java/com/espressif/cloudapi/

public void getParamsValues(final String nodeId, final ApiResponseListener listener) {
           accessToken, nodeId).enqueue(new Callback<ResponseBody>() {
        public void onResponse(Call<ResponseBody> call, Response<ResponseBody> response) {
            //Code Omitted
        public void onFailure(Call<ResponseBody> call, Throwable t) {
            listener.onNetworkFailure(new Exception(t));

Getting the device's status in iOS

📝 Source code

For the source code of getting device status in iOS, please refer to book-esp32c3-iot-projects/phone_app/app_ios/ESPRainMaker/ESPRainMaker/AWSCognito/ESPAPIManager.swift.

func getDeviceParams(device: Device, completionHandler: @escaping (ESPNetworkError?) -> Void) {

    ESPExtendUserSessionWorker().checkUserSession(){accessToken, error in
        if let token = accessToken {
            let headers: HTTPHeaders = ["Content-Type": "application/json",
                                        "Authorization": token]
            let url = Constants.setParam + "?node_id=" + (device.node?.node_id ?? "")
            self.session.request(url, method: .get, parameters: nil, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, 
                                headers: headers).responseJSON { response in
                //Code Omitted
        } else {
            if self.validatedRefreshToken(error: error) {