ESP-IDF Overview
ESP-IDF (Espressif IoT Development Framework) is a one-stop IoT development framework provided by Espressif Technology. It uses C/C++ as the main development language and supports cross-compilation under mainstream operating systems such as Linux, Mac, and Windows. The example programs included in this book are developed using ESP-IDF, which offers the following features:
SoC system-level drivers. ESP-IDF includes drivers for ESP32, ESP32-S2, ESP32-C3, and other chips. These drivers encompass peripheral low level (LL) library, hardware abstraction layer (HAL) library, RTOS support and upper-layer driver software, etc.
Essential components. ESP-IDF incorporates fundamental components required for IoT development. This includes multiple network protocol stacks such as HTTP and MQTT, a power management framework with dynamic frequency modulation, and features like Flash Encryption and Secure Boot, etc.
Development and production tools. ESP-IDF provides commonly used tools for building, flash, and debugging during development and mass production (see Figure 4.1), such as the building system based on CMake, the cross-compilation tool chain based on GCC, and the JTAG debugging tool based on OpenOCD, etc.

It is worth noting that the ESP-IDF code primarily adheres to the the Apache 2.0 open-source license. Users can develop personal or commercial software without restrictions while complying with the terms of the open-source license. Additionally, users are granted permanent patent licenses free of charge, without the obligation to open-source any modifications made to the source code.