ESP RainMaker Basics
Before delving into the functions of ESP RainMaker, this section first explains some fundamental concepts that will be mentioned in the description of the ESP RainMaker framework (backend and frontend). The ESP RainMaker framework is illustrated in Figure 9.6.

It refers to the device model that represents the physical device (such as ESP32-C3) in the cloud. Each node has a unique identifier, namely, node ID. It is the smallest operational unit and a representation of the physical device in the ESP RainMaker framework.
Node attribute
It is used to better describe and define the functions of nodes. ESP
RainMaker has set default metadata for the node, including fw_version
and model
. The name and type that are set when a node is created also
belong to the default metadata. You can also add your own information to
the metadata to better describe the node.
It is a logical entity that the user can control, such as a switch, smart light, temperature sensor, or fan. Unlike a node, a device is the smallest unit that can be operated at the user level.
Device attribute
Similar to node attribute, it is used to better describe and define functions of devices.
In the ESP RainMaker framework, a service is a very similar entity to a device. The main difference is that the service does not require operations from the user. For example, the OTA upgrade service has some states that do not require any operation and management from the user.
It is used to implement functions of devices and services, such as the power status, brightness, and colour of a smart light, and status updates during OTA upgrades.
The concepts of nodes, devices, parameters, and services in the ESP
RainMaker framework can aptly describe the form and functions of the
product. For example, to create a smart light with controllable power
status, brightness, colour, and scheduled switching, the light is
represented by a node and a device, the power status, brightness, and
colour are controlled by parameters, and the scheduling function is
achieved by a service.