Introduction to Smartphone App Development

In the Practice section of Chapter 9, we explained how to use ESP RainMaker client to wirelessly control the Smart Light project. In this chapter, we will turn to its smartphone app and present its development process in detail.

The app project is available for both iOS and Android. It is an end-to-end solution provided by Espressif to remotely control and monitor IoT devices based on Espressif chips without any configuration required in the cloud.

📝 Source code

The source code of the iOS app is stored in the book-esp32c3-iot-projects/phone_app/app_ios directory. The source code of the Android app is stored in the book-esp32c3-iot-projects/phone_app/app_android directory.

Don't worry if you have not developed any Android or iOS apps before. In this chapter, we will elaborate on how to develop a smartphone app starting from creating a new app project. After you have a basic understanding of Android and iOS application development, we will dive deeper into the main features of this open-source project.