ESP Insights: Remote Monitoring Platform

The previous chapters introduced the ESP RainMaker IoT cloud platform, a device-to-cloud solution provided by Espressif. Using the components of the ESP RainMaker IoT cloud platform, users can easily connect to ESP RainMaker, realizing remote control of devices. With the help of the ESP RainMaker IoT cloud platform, users can develop the ESP32-C3 smart LED products with ease. But we all know that from project approval to mass production, a product needs to go through main processes including functional evaluation, implementation, and verification.

Based on the introduction about the functions of smart LED products and how these functions are realized from the previous chapters, you may wonder after realizing the functions of the smart LED, how to carry out systematic functional verification and on-hook verification.

After developing the function code of a project, functional verification is required. At this time, you can set the log level to Debug mode, and monitor the log on the serial port to get the debugging done. This is a necessary verification before releasing the software. Upon completing the basic functional verification, functions such as log output and command line debugging should often be disabled. Then, it's time to release the Release version. Thereafter, even if the software behaves abnormally during the Quality Assurance (QA) test or during usage, it will be difficult for developers to quickly locate and fix the issues by obtaining device logs. Sometimes, developers may even need to disassemble the device for the logs to analyze the cause of the abnormality. To solve this problem, Espressif Systems has developed ESP Insights, which supports developers to check the running status and logs of firmware remotely, so as to detect and solve firmware problems in time, speeding up the software development process.